Hi Everyone!!

Let me tell you a little about me, I am a 48 year old woman, hell I am knocking at the door of being 49. I live in Philadelphia, Pa. I wanted to do a website of my journey to loss weight. Let me start out by saying I am really overweight and I need to do this for health reasons, I wasn't told by a doctor to lose it, I need to do this for ME!!

I have never told anyone how much I weighed, cause that was just a no no! I feel this is something I have to do to move on. I a 5 foot 1 and I weigh 437 pounds. I know that is a lot, and I hate when you see a doctor and tell you are morbidly obese. Hell I know I am heavy, but I do think there is a nicer way to put things.

This is something I have struggled with all of my life. I believe that doing this, will help me be even more accountable for the things I put in my mouth. What I need is support from people, and if I can help just one person along the way with my journey that would be wonderful. I hope I can get encouragement from you all, and that it encourages someone else.

I am going to Weight Watchers, I have gone there before and lost weight, so I know it works. When I went there before I was doing it for other people, and I will tell you this. It doesn't work that way. I do know with weight loss, you will have great weeks and not so great weeks. But all in all it will be support from people that helps me move on too the next week when things are not going so good.

Now just to let you all know I have never told anyone how much I weighed, cause I am shamed that I let myself get this big. I know that all this weight did not come on overnight, so it will take a while to come off. So everyone will just have to be patient with me. Now with Weight Watchers they have my goal weight at 146 pounds. So that is a total of 291 pounds, I can not look at that number now, cause that just seems so far away. How I am going to do it, is in 10 pound increments, and that will be my short term goals.

Everyone has reasons to loss weight, and I have a list of 25 reason. Some of you will understand them, some won't. But the list I have may grow to even more, these are just things that I had on the top of my head when I started thinking about WHY I want to do this. You can click on the bottom of this page to see my list, if it is something you want to do.

Thanks for listening to me, and I hope that you will encourage me to stay on the right track. I am putting a guestbook on this page just for words of encouragement. Thanks again everyone.


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