Getting To Know Me

Hi Everyone!
Glad you stopped in to get to know me.
My name is Marybeth. On here people know me under a few different names.
Lets see, I am Candy, CC,CyberQueen, but my favorite is Slur.
This means a bad bad word, but I am sure you can figure it out.
See typing and drinking do not mix, but they do make for some interesting reading.

I first started on the internet back in 1998. OMG that seems like a life time ago.
I started on webtv.
I first went into a room called All Slow Tyers Welcome.
I thought hell this is a room for me.Which was very weird for me cause I am not shy at all.
But I traveled into the room and there were a few people that started talking to me right away.
One being Mommagaye and the other Cabledoc1.
I remembered going into chat, and not really talking,
I would just watch and Mommagaye thought I was cybering all the men in the room, I laughed cause hell I couldn't even type let alone cyber.
Then came Cabledoc1, he showed me a few things, oh get your mined out of the gutter that didn't come till later lol.
He taught me how to talk in whisper, I didn't even know what that meant.
Well for the people of today that is PMing someone. lol

Soon I found a new world world on here.
I was amazed that you could talk to some many people from all over the world.
And I did just that.
Then I started creating pages on here and found I love to do that.
I think it is so cool to take something blank and turn it into something beautiful.
But I always found time to chat with people.
On here I have met some wonderful people,
some in person and others I have just came to love on here.
This can become a powerful tool,
so I will tell you to be careful,
especially if you meet someone off the internet and in person.

I am from Philadelphia PA. I have lived here all my life,
but if you get to know me I am more of a country gal at heart.
I know on my other page I mentioned my age,
you don't have to go back and look at it just to get my age.
Lets just say I am old enough to know how and still young enough to do it.
I am a ball buster and I am damn good at busting balls.
I learned from the best, which was my father.
I love to make people laugh,
cause I find it helps to always put someone in a good mood.
I am just one of these pople you just got to love

I love music,
mainly country.
I play guitar some and I am always singing.
I love to cook, but hate to clean.
But if I have to clean, I can not do it without music,
and I dance a lot when I clean.
I think I do that cause it takes away the from the boredom of cleaning.
I don't understand how some people love to clean.
Hell I would rather hire someone to do it, lol...Only problem with that is I still clean, cause it's not done to the way I like it done.
I am a dispatcher at a road side assistant company.
I do know I work better when I have men around me,
instead of women.
I have always gotten along better with men.
You have to love a job where you are surrounded my all men.
I know I do.

If you want to chat with me more you can find me on
Hope to see you around.
Thanks for stopping by and getting to know me